Livedo Reticularis: A Rare Skin Manifestation of Pancreatitis

Anuj Sharma, Umair Masood, Babar Khan, William Li, Kunal Chawla, Divey Manocha, Nuri Ozden, Tanjeev Kaur

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Skin manifestation associated with pancreatitis can have various presentations. Skin manifestations such as Grey Turner sign or Cullen's sign are known and well documented findings of pancreatitis and carry significant prognostic value. However, livedo reticularis is a rare phenomenon in setting of pancreatitis. Here we report a case of 40 year old female who experiences recurrent episodes of livedo reticularis which is coupled with each bout of acute on chronic pancreatitis. In our patient, livedo reticularis disappears each time with resolution of acute episode of pancreatitis. The recurrent episodes of livedo reticularis from pancreatitis has been very rarely reported in literature. Recognizing skin manifestations in pancreatitis can help clinicians understand the severity and pathology of pancreatitis. Unlike Grey Turner sign or Cullen's sign, livedo reticularis has limited prognostic value, however, their presence deserve our attention. Further case reports and studies will be useful in determining the occurrence and incidence of livedo reticularis resulting from pancreatitis.

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