Primary Pancreatic Lymphoma Presenting as Gastric Fistula: A Case Report

Chinmay Bera, Usha Goenka, Indrajeet kumar Tiwari, Vijay Rai, Enam Murshed Khan, Mahesh Kumar Goenka

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Non Hodgkin lymphoma primarily originating from the pancreas is a rare condition. Usual presentations include abdominal pain, anorexia and weight loss. Rarely, it may present as acute pancreatitis. Differentiating from the adenocarcinoma is difficult due to similar presentation and imaging features. Histopathological diagnosis is essential considering the impact on the management and prognostication. Presentation as fistulous communication with stomach or colon has not been reported in the literature. Here, we report a 73-year-male with primary pancreatic lymphoma presenting with gastric fistula.

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